Lepidoptera Biodiversity LLC


Photo Galleries: Three Dimensional Lepidoptera Genitalia Photo Gallery: Euteliinae


Comparison of male genitalia images for exemplar dissection voucher specimens of four species in the Paectes pygmaea complex (Noctuidae: Euteliinae)


Hugo L. Kons Jr.


Web Page: Dec. 2013 Version


Genitalia were dissected and images taken by Hugo L. Kons Jr. with the GT Vision imaging system at the American Entomological Institute.  All structures are the natural three dimensional shape (not slide mounted). 


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            In my view Paectes pygmaea  is part of a complex including four species with distinctive male genitalia and COI 5' sequences, but which are difficult or impossible to distinguish from wing pattern.  These species appear to have been lumped under two names (pygmaea and abrostolella)  in Metzler and Franclemont (1991).  From dissections HLK thinks pygmaea is the only species of this complex that occurs in the southeastern United States, contrary to Metzler and Franclemont's (1991) report of both pygmaea and abrostolella from Florida.  I tentatively apply pygmaea based on the type locality of "Aus Georgien in Florida," and the observation that all my dissection vouchers from the southeast have been the same species.   Other names available for the complex (flabella, abrostolella, and praepilata) cannot be applied from the vague type localities, and I doubt they could be reliably applied without dissection of the actual types.  The other three species are referred to as pygmaea complex species 1-3 (or abrostolella complex species 1-3 in the below DNA figure).    


            The most obvious male genitalic differences between the four species are with the three dimensional structure of the everted vesica.  Possible differences in structures of the capsule (valvae, uncus, saccus) are more variable and would need further study to test for consistency.  In pygmaea and species 3 diverticulum 2 is distinctly shorter than in species 1 and 2.  In species 1 and 2 this diverticulum makes a near right angle extending around the posterior side of diverticulum 1.  Also, the scoop of the ductus ejaculatorius is proportionately larger in pygmaea and species 3 relative to species 1 and 2.  In pygmaea diverticulum 1 progressively widens apically in contrast to species 3.  Furthermore, the phallus is narrower and more strongly bent medially in species 3 relative to pygmaea.    In species 2 diverticulum 1 is more robust than in species 1. 


            The below figure is a cladogram of COI 5' sequences of Paectes specimens included in the Kons and Borth projects on the BOLD (Barcode of Life Data Systems) web site, representing a strict consensus tree of a parsimony analysis with equally weighted characters (analyzed in TNT with all four search algorithms at default settings, best score hit 1000 times).  The out group was Eutelia pulcherrima from Florida.  Costa Rican Paectes specimens are from public records in Dan Janzen's Costa Rica BOLD projects.




A:  Paectes pygmaea [Dissection No. 2013HLK:1873]:  FL Liberty County: Apalachicola Bluffs and Ravines Preserve, N 30°27.830' W 84°59.218', MV Sheet, 2 June 2006, Kons & Borth.


B:  Paectes pygmaea complex species 3 [Dissection No.: 2013HLK:1881]:  TN Clay County: Dale River Hollow area, mesic hardwood forest, N 36° 33.356' W 85° 26.990', UV Trap 1, 2 July 2002, Kons & Borth.



C:  Paectes pygmaea complex species 1 [Dissection No.: 2013HLK:1866, DNA No.: 9450-310509-TX]: TX Hardeman County: Copper Breaks State Park, N 34.10670° W 99.74550°, UV Trap 3, 31 May 2009, Kons & Borth.



D:  Paectes pygmaea complex species 2 [Dissection No.: 2013HLK:1865]: AZ Cochise County: Idlewild Campground, N 31.89146° W 109.16741°, MV Sheet, 15 June 2009, Kons & Borth.



In pygmaea (A) and species 3 (B) diverticulum 2 is distinctly shorter than in species 1 (C) and 2 (D).  In species 1 and 2 this diverticulum makes a near right angle extending around the posterior side of diverticulum 1.  In pygmaea diverticulum 1 progressively widens apically in contrast to species 3.  In species 2 diverticulum 1 is more robust than in species 1. 



Ductus Ejaculatorius

The scoop of the ductus ejaculatorius is proportionately larger in pygmaea (A) and species 3 (B) relative to species 1 (C) and 2 (D). 



The phallus is narrower and more strongly bent medially in species 3 (B) relative to pygmaea (A).    


Capsule (ventral)


Valvae (inner)


Uncus & Tegumen (lateral)




Metzler, Eric H. and John G. Franclemont.  1991.  A review of four species names of Paectes from     North America (Noctuidae: Euteliinae).  Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society.  45(1): 34-41.



