Lepidoptera Biodiversity LLC


Photo Galleries: Three Dimensional Lepidoptera Genitalia Photo Gallery: Rhopalocera


Comparison of male genitalia images for exemplar voucher specimens of Erynnis baptisae and Erynnis lucilius


Version 2016.1 by Hugo Kons Jr.


Genitalia were dissected and images taken by Hugo L. Kons Jr. with the GT Vision imaging system at the former American Entomological Institute.  All structures are the natural three dimensional shape (not slide mounted). 


Preliminary analysis of a few specimens of Erynnis baptisae from Virginia and Wisconsin and a few Erynnis lucilius from Wisconsin suggests the two species may be separated from the structure of the vesica.  However, no diagnostic features of the capsules were clearly apparent from this sample, with both species exhibiting infraspecific variation in valve shape, such as the length of the posterior processes.  The E. baptisae sample included specimens from suburban Alexandria, Virginia, outside of the range and habitat of E. lucilius.  Further investigation is needed to more thoroughly assess geographic and infraspecific variation before this potential interspecific vesica difference can be regarded as definitive.


Erynnis baptisae (left)                                                           Erynnis lucilius (right)


Phallus apex with vesica everted


The terminal diverticulum of the vesica (red arrow) is narrower in the baptisae specimens than in the lucilius specimens.  Note the ductus ejaculatorius (purple arrows) is everted in the baptisae but not in the lucilius; this is NOT a difference between these species.


Phallus (top photos including scoop of ductus ejaculatorius)


Valvae (inner)



Valvae (outer)




VA Fairfax Co.: Alexandria, grassy field, 4 July 1994.                 WI Dane Co.: Swamp Lovers' Preserve,19 May 2011.     



Additional photos of Erynnis baptisae


Phallus with vesica and ductus ejaculatorius everted




Additional photos of Erynnis lucilius


Capsule (lateral)


Uncus and tegumen (lateral)


Left Valve (inner)



Phallus with scoop region of ductus ejaculatorius (vesica not everted)